Transforming complex needs into simple solutions

We help agencies solve modern
information and training challenges


Transforming complex needs into simple solutions

We help agencies solve modern
information and training challenges


Center for Information Management
and Educational Services


Center for Information Management and Educational Services


Statewide. Nationwide. Award Winning.

Our talented team integrates research and expertise to create powerful solutions for each client.



Open Doors Outreach Network Training

Roadway Characteristics Inventory Training

Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse

Open Doors Outreach Network Evaluation

Open Doors Outreach Network Training

Voices for Florida

The Open Doors Outreach Network was launched by Voices for Florida in 2016 as part of a coordinated effort to address service gaps for victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. Through a network of partner organizations, ODON provides a coordinated system of care that is supported by trauma-competent best practices and translational research. The Open Doors model uses teams that consist of a survivor-mentor, a regional advocate, and a clinician. CIMES developed training to support the development of knowledge and skills that ensure fidelity to ODON’s service model, leading to standardized quality care regardless of location.


Roadway Characteristics Inventory Training

Florida Department of Transportation - Transportation Data Analytics Office

The Transportation Statistics Office provides training for district data collection technicians in both office- and field-based Roadway Characteristics Inventory methods.They were exploring ways to reduce training costs related to travel. CIMES conducted competency research and then developed a curriculum that is built around work scenarios and uses virtual mentors to guide trainees through various tasks. Trainees "travel" down virtual roadways while examining and collecting data. They use virtual forms and enter data into computer systems using highly interactive software simulations.



Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse

Florida Department of Health

The mission of the Division of Health Awareness and Tobacco was to reduce the use of tobacco products in Florida. The division had taken the lead in Tobacco Free Florida programs and partnerships, but needed to re-envision its systems to maximize resources, ensure accountability, and promote collaboration among its partners across Florida. CIMES created a centralized, web-based resource center, the Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse, and related resources to support the division’s information management and communication needs.


Open Doors Outreach Network Evaluation

Voices for Florida

The Voices for Florida Open Doors Outreach Network seeks to improve care, coordination, and outcomes for commercially sexually exploited and trafficked children. The network uses an innovative approach that engages teams of survivor-mentors, regional advocates, and clinicians to provide 24/7 care to recovering victim. CIMES developed a performing a developmental evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the service model at the current pilot sites. The study will also identify which aspects of the model need to be maintained and sustained as it is being implemented at new sites and which aspects of the model can be modified to fit the local needs of partner organizations. 


EpiCore 101 Training

Film School Portal

Freight Forecasting Data Management

Florida ExpertNet

EpiCore 101 Training

Florida Department of Health - Bureau of Epidemiology

CIMES developed web-based training for novice epidemiologists and nurses in Florida’s counties. The training includes introductions to epidemiology, infectious diseases, surveillance, outbreak investigations, and collaboration for public health. The modulesconclude with application tasks that allow learners to assess their progress at the end of the course.


Film School Portal

Florida State University - College of Motion Picture Arts

The Motion web portal was created for the FSU College of Motion Picture Arts as a program management system. The application is role-based, integrated, scalable, and supports managing people, assessments, courses, and projects. The application also provides interfaces to collect, manage, track, and report project and assessment information.


Freight Forecasting Data Management

Florida Department of Transportation - Transportation Data Analytics Office

The Transportation Statistics Office was preparing for new responsibilities related to managing a more comprehensive and varied body of transportation data, including freight data and data associated with other transportation modes, such as maritime and air. TranStat needed a detailed picture of the types of data available—along with acquisition, storage, and maintenance strategies. CIMES researched data monitoring needs, identified data sources and providers, and conducted an audit of data and quality assurance practices. A strategy was developed for data acquisition, storage, maintenance, and quality assurance, role-based data access, delivery, and reporting specifications.


Florida ExpertNet

State University System of Florida Board of Governors

The private and public sectors in Florida needed a centralized portal of research faculty in Florida’s universities to assist in identifying expertise to solve problems and create collaborative opportunities. Florida ExpertNet, a portal of applied research expertise all across Florida's research universities, was the solution. The web-based system employs a knowledge management system and content management system, along with a research taxonomy to manage content. Web crawlers and import tools collect data from the university partners across the state. 


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